A Gathering of Passionate Educators!
Last November 11th, it was wonderful to see several educators, guidance counselors and learning advocates gracing our recent symposium called "Managing Attention & Supporting Students Post-Pandemic" where four experts from their respective fields shared their thoughts.
Educational consultant and teacher trainer Prof. Maricar Gustilo de Ocampo started with an inspiring message of how 21st century classroom should, more than ever, be a safe place for students to play, engage and create. She shared tips on managing student's behaviors and the physical environment of the classroom.
Following her was exceptional education specialist Ricci Mercado, who discussed the types of attention and how attention-related problems would manifest in the classroom. She also spoke about the importance of inclusivity in the classroom and how it is essential to model kindness and teach empathy with intentionality.
From the medical side, we had developmental pediatrician Dr. Francis Dimalanta touching on the science of attention and how it is a necessity for learning. He explained that attention spans differ depending on the age of the child, and how because of neuroplasticity, keeping students active, learning and following healthy routines help strengthen the brain.
In her segment, cognitive specialist Joy S. Go discussed the importance of asking ourselves: "How can we help this student or parent?" as we look at our roles in our respective learning ecosystems. One key point stressed is to be curious, investigate and help find the appropriate solution by asking the "Why?" for each learning or behavioral challenge we observe in students. She provided examples of possible questions educators could ask when investigating such.
The lectures were culminated by a Q&A panel discussion moderated by Mel Sua from BrainRx Philippines.
To the learning institutions who sent representatives and the educators who voluntarily attended, thank you for wanting to help your students and for your wonderful feedback! We are grateful to have met you. Let us all work together and continue learning to further elevate!
Reading is ________.
(November is our National Reading Month. Let's explore how to make reading better among our children and students.)
How do children under your care feel about reading? While some students may find reading difficult, tedious or even just boring, remember that every child is capable of being immersed in all kinds of written text—we just need to find a way. We share three tips:
1. Look for stories that would interest the child.
According to a study done by literacy scholar MG Prezioso and Professor Paul Harris from Harvard University, how often a child reads has no bearing on how often they'll be immersed in the book's story. In the same study, kids shared that they enjoy fast-paced narratives—like Harry Potter—as they're motivated to find out what happens next.
Find books that align with children's interests. If they take an interest in the ocean, search for reading materials on sea animals or stories that take place underwater. If they like sports, look for fiction or non-fiction text related to what they love or a sports personality they follow—i.e. age-appropriate biographies, sport science, etc. Fast pacing and intriguing content would help attract.
2. Read with your child and make reading interactive.
Reading doesn't have to be an assignment or chore—use reading as a way to bond with kids. Having a discussion, however brief, on what you each thought of the points in the book, or reading together perhaps in different voices, role-playing the character's voices, asking what it's like to be a character in the story, and saying similar prompts that provoke wonder and curiosity in a child all help make reading more fun and interactive.
3. Find reading strategies and build reading skills
Young kids may not enjoy reading if they're not equipped with the right skills needed to read. Identify those gaps and tailor your prompts and approaches. For example, if the child is having trouble pronouncing a word, break the task down per syllable--sound out each letter then combine two letters.
Verbalize simple questions in a curious (not testing) way that helps the child develop better understanding, or comments that lead to kids connecting to the story (ex. "Imagine if you were him in this story, what would you do?"). Patience is key when figuring out how to make reading easier for the child.
On a final note, for those struggling in reading, there are cases where the root cause goes beyond lack of practice, vocabulary or teaching gaps. For such cases, weak cognitive skills (ex. memory, attention, visual and auditory processing) could be the root cause. Our powerful BrainRx, ReadRx and AccelerateRx one-on-one cognitive training programs effectively address those blocks. Reach out if you'd like to know more.
Empowering an 8yo to read!
We're so happy for Elaine, one of our clients! She gave such a beautiful testimonial after witnessing her daughter's improvements: