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BrainRx Philippines

The key step to transitioning kids well to hybrid / F2F

STOP, LOOK & LISTEN: The Role of Parents in Hybrid Learning

The hybrid setting may feel overwhelming and worrisome - especially as we become less present in our children's learning environment. Let's equip ourselves with the proper knowledge so we can prepare our kids for effective hybrid or 100% face-to-face learning. How to do this? Start by simply observing them.

Last July 30th, Joy S. Go, BrainRx Philippines co-founder and BGC center director, held a Zoom webinar on how parents and educators can prepare their children for hybrid classes through the skill of looking and listening. To reintegrate our kids for the physical setting, we can create a transition plan based on our expectations and observations. Click the link below to watch our shared tips:


Why it's important to observe

1. Observing deepens understanding of our children's development.

By noticing our children's behaviors, triggers and the why's behind these, we can understand, anticipate and prepare for their needs. What do they need? Identify the gaps/barriers and have a plan of action to bridge those. Be encouraging. Commend strengths!

2. Observing paves the path for efficiency. If we truly know their experiences, behavior and feelings, we are able to make changes to their routine/environment more effectively. Support them properly so they adjust and flow into new experiences and challenges in the smoothest way possible. 3. Observing strengthens bonds. Relationships are built on trust and communication. We make this possible if we notice our children's actions, reactions, interests, hobbies, challenges, achievements, dreams. As we genuinely connect and make children feel we truly get them, they become open to sharing more of themselves.

4. Observing helps identify learning barriers. By noticing details, patterns, triggers and cycles in our children's behaviors when it comes to learning, we can better understand what's causing the challenges. Here's an example: For a child described by a parent as lazy when it comes to reading, is it a concern with the teaching environment (ex. quality of teaching)? Could it be a lack of exposure, guidance or structure at home? Poor study habits? Weak cognitive skills?

Observing well helps identify if what you're seeing is worth noting and investigating and helps you take steps to break those learning barriers.


When You Notice It, So Will They: B.'s #MyBrainRx Story


Observe changes in your child and get them ready for school. Start by reaching out to book a Cognitive Skills Assessment.



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